What Are the 7 Proven Principles of Business Success

What Are the 7 Proven Principles of Business Success The 7 Proven Principles to Business Success will overcome whatever limitation you have. Think of it as a recipe for success in business. All you have to do is first of all learn what the 7 principles are, and then apply them, in order. When you follow this recipe all of Continue reading →

eBay’s Turbo Lister Program: Should You Use It?

eBay’s Turbo Lister Program: Should You Use It? Are you an eBay seller? If you are, are you familiar with eBay’s Turbo Lister program? If you are not, you may want to take the time to familiarize yourself with it, as using eBay’s Turbo Lister program can make selling on eBay as easy as can be. eBay’s Turbo Lister program Continue reading →

Web Advertising For The Small Business

Web Advertising For The Small Business If you run a small business, advertising costs must be figured in as part of your overall expenses. If you have received quotes for phone directory ads, business association block ads, and mostly any other print media, these costs are quite high. So, what if your budget is small, perhaps negligible? Will you be Continue reading →

Using Web Audio for Success

It’s undeniable that if you add audio to websites it will increase your results. If you don’t have audio in your arsenal, you’re missing out. Audio increases opt-ins. And your sales. Why does it work? It’s simple. Most of the web is cold and impersonal. Audio adds a human quality to your site. And makes people feel they’re dealing with Continue reading →

Finding An Effective Internet Marketing Solution

Finding An Effective Internet Marketing Solution Choosing an effective internet marketing solution can be a challenge. There are many sites out there that are offering internet marketing services; some are to be trusted, and others may simply be scams. The main goal of these businesses is to increase the traffic to your website. They can also help you in the Continue reading →

Why Small Organizations Mean Big Business

Why Small Organizations Mean Big Business In the movie “You’ve Got Mail”, the sub-plot aside from the love angle is that the heroine (played by Meg Ryan) was forced out of business when the big-time bookstore owner (played by Tom Hanks) moved into town. Meg’s character owned a quaint little bookstore which she inherited from her mother. Although the prices Continue reading →

Blog Marketing: How Much Money Can You Make?

Blog Marketing: How Much Money Can You Make? When you are using blog marketing to make an income, really the amount of money that can be made is something that you determine. You are in charge of the amount of work that you put into it, and therefore in charge of the amount that can be earned. Of course, the Continue reading →

Why Women In Small Business Must Have A Web Site

In recent years we’ve seen a HUGE increase in the number of small businesses owned by women. This growth has been so dramatic that millions of people now think of a woman when they visualize who owns the businesses they buy from.

Women everywhere deserve a big pat on the back for this amazing accomplishment. But as is always the case for small business owners, there is still a lot of work to be done.

The one thing your small business MUST have is a web site. Sure, ten years ago having a site was an option many small businesses could do without. But that is no longer the case. Here’s why:

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Tips On Starting A Small Business

Tips On Starting A Small Business Small businesses have many challenges to stay afloat. Many budding entrepreneurs think that all they need is an idea or product, a name for their small business, and a bit of work and the product will sell itself and money will come rolling in. If you have ever run a small business – even Continue reading →

Sneaky Affiliate Tricks

It is extremely difficult to get started in affiliate marketing. The reason is because there is a lot of competition. The challenge is to try and outdo other affiliates and think of ways to do a better job promoting. And the sea of information about this doesn’t make it any easier. But here’s one tip that almost no one is Continue reading →