How To Put Money In Your Pocket With Article Marketing

How To Put Money In Your Pocket With Article Marketing

There is a new concept in article marketing that is receiving a lot of attention, and what it involves is learning how to use article marketing to put money in your pocket on a fairly regular basis. Article marketing is becoming an extremely big thing, with thousands of different people publishing articles across the internet as a viable means for promoting products, websites, eBooks and numerous other concepts. In addition to providing valuable links to the website belonging to the author, there are a number of other benefits that come with publishing articles in article directory websites.

By publishing articles containing links to your website, your website will enjoy a much larger number of incoming links. One-way incoming links like these are absolutely excellent when it comes to SEO. And when your articles are syndicated out to other blogs and syndication sites, the number of links is only going to increase. Luckily, there are other ways to make these articles work hard for you; especially ways that help put money in your pocket.

There is a brand new article marketing concept, which is to use power articles on revenue sharing article websites. When power articles are published by an author, he or she has full control of whatever advertising space is placed on the pages displaying them. So rather than dealing with the site owner’s Google ads or other ads, the author’s ads are displayed instead. Not only is the author getting the benefits associated with publishing their articles, but they are also earning additional chances to make revenue from advertising on the pages where those articles are displayed.

Many article sites rely heavily on advertising revenue, so they offer as many as seven different places for advertising on a single page. Advertising may be from Google AdSense, Yahoo, or a number of other advertising servers, including the author’s own advertising, should he or she decide to implement it. Even better, if the author chooses, he or she may sell this valuable advertising space to third party advertising companies. The important thing to keep in mind however is that this advertising space does not come free. Luckily, the costs associated with this free control advertising is far outweighed by the sheer amount of revenue that you can earn from having access to so many different advertising spaces.

There are numerous opportunities like this available on the internet, allowing article marketers to make excellent use of their article submission space. Not only will they be allowed to use their articles in proactive ways by creating links, building authority and optimizing for search engines, but these authors will also be able to manipulate advertising space to earn a significant income through ad revenue.

If you are looking for a way to put money in your pocket through advertising with articles, consider joining article marketing submission websites that allow you to have control over the advertising space. This will give you an excellent opportunity to generate income beyond what traditional article marketing offers.

Technorati Tags : advertising article articles marketing

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