Starting a Home Business is Easy When You Know How to Do It!

Have you ever wondered exactly what it takes to start a Internet home business? I will tell you exactly whats involved from someone, an “average Joe” who has started a Internet home business, who prior to doing so, didn’t have a clue what they were doing and how to do it.

One of the first things you need to do is talk to your spouse or love one and prepare them for whats involved in starting a business. The main thing you need to communicate to them is that your going to have to put in time to build your business. There’s no way around, everyone has to do it when they first start off. In my case, it was fun and I enjoyed the learning experience and my wife was understanding with the time I needed to devote to my business and made life much easier.

The good thing about this is as time goes by, you’ll have to devote less and less time to the business because you’ll have established yourself and will have plenty of links out on the web leading to your site or business so you won’t have to dedicate so much time.

Starting a home business can be very rewarding and worth the effort if your patient and start slow and learn how to market your business on the web effectively. Don’t expect to make thousands your first month, it generally doesn’t happen.

Some of the web sites I see out there advertising a home business claiming to make “thousands” with little effort and only 20 minutes a day, does not happen for anyone when their just starting out. It will take time to learn and it will take time to build your list…or pay hundreds of dollars on advertising and most likely, you don’t have that kind of money to invest up front so your only option is to build what we call a “List”.

Whats a list? A list is your vehicle to market your opportunities and information with. A list is a group of people who have agreed to receive your offers, generally via email, but can be by other forms as well. These are the people to whom you have had prior contact with and have agreed to receive your information and or opportunities. Sending emails to people you don’t know, or have not requested it, is considered spam and is a big no no when it comes to marketing your business.

The more people you have on your list, the more people you have to market to. You will hear this term over and over, “The Money Is In The List”. As someone starting a home business, these are words to live by.

You’re probably going to see some of these names on the web like, Mike G or Ewen Chia, these people have thousands and thousands of people on their list to market to and that’s why they are so successful. They have built their list and have a market to sell to. The bigger the list, the bigger the market share you’ll have, the more money your likely to make.

Here is a example of one of the ways I build my list. I started a team. The team is for like minded people who join together to make money from the Internet. My team is called “My Team 2010”. First thing I do is have people go to my splash page, click here to view it now. Once they decide to join, they will start to receive my emails of what ever I was offering that made them sign up. Now they are on my list. Their first email will also instruct them to join our team community, you can view it here. The team community is a place where all members can go and communicate with the rest of the team members. This is where most of the team information gets posted. This site was free to build as well so it makes a nice home for the team at no extra cost.

The other important task when starting a home business is to have your own domain. You need to establish your presence on the web. this will “brand” you and create trust with your customers. Take a look at my domain called Home Business Components.

This is my very first domain. It looks completely different today from when I first started. When I first started, my site was actually built for me. This was a great option for me as I didn’t have a clue how to build it on my own. That’s why I recommend, when starting out, to sign up for the Plug In profits site. Click here to see a overview of the opportunity.

I highly recommend the Plug In Profit site for beginners for many reasons. First, they will build your very own website, all for free, within 24 hours. You’ll be up and running, ready to earn money within 24 hours. How can you go wrong with that?

Secondly, you’ll have your own auto-responder. A auto-responder allows you to send and receive messages automatically. This is a huge tool to have and every successful marketer uses them. Your auto-responder plays an important role for building your list.

Third, your going to be in five great money making opportunities, like GDI, SFI, Host Gator, Empowerism and My World Plus. Promoting these products will put a lot of money in your pocket.

And finally, you can feel safe knowing that the opportunities offered, are scam free. There are so many opportunities on the web, And it’s hard to put trust in a company. I have been burned many a times, but with Plug in Profits or GDI, you will never have to worry about that.

For those that want to start out on a small budget, Global Domains International, better known as GDI, is a great second option. Plus you can try it free, for 7 days. After that, it’s only $10.00 a month. Very reasonable price to start a business on the Internet.

By joining GDI, You’ll get your own domain, but with this one, you have to build your own website. But thats not a problem, they have a free website builder that anyone can master with ease. This is a great value but you also get 10 email accounts to help manage your business. And, it’s super easy to sign up.

One more thing with this option, you have to make your site “Search Engine Friendly” so when people go to search for something, relative to your business keywords, you want your site to come up in the search results. Its called Search Engine Optimization or SEO for short. This is easy to do and you will learn this as you go but it plays a very important part in building your website and attracting customers. There are lots of sites on the web that will offer you information on how to do this. You can also go to a site called Earn money online with Home Business Components and get tools to help build your site and make it search engine friendly.

Now that you have your own domain…now what? If you plan starting a business with your website, you need visitors or traffic. There are many ways that you can advertise on the web for free and get good quality traffic. One of the many ways you can advertise your site is by joining a “Traffic Exchange” site or a “Text ad exchange site. A traffic exchange site is where you join a site, submit your ad and they will show it to their customers while they surf. A good site can get your ad viewed hundreds of times a day.

But before your ad gets shown, you must surf to earn credits(You can usually buy them for a small fee also). All you need to do is look at other people’s sites for a set amount of time and you earn credits. The more credits you have, the more times your site gets viewed.

Text Ad Exchanges are a site that you join and you can send out emails(Referred to as solo’s) to all the members of the site. Some companies even offer Super Solo’s that get mailed to thousands of people on several sites linked together.

Again, this is a credit based system and the way you earn credits is by clicking a link in emails you receive from the site and that earns you credits. You can trade these credits in to buy more Solo’s or other forms of advertisement.

Most sites will offer free advertising package’s if you join their site. This can be very valuable and you will want to join as many as possible as traffic exchanges and text ad exchanges are a great option to advertise your business.

Another method is what they call “Safe-List” advertising. This is a group of members that have agreed to receive your emails in return for viewing theirs. Real similar to text ad exchanges. Make sure you join a credit based safe-list as they tend to have a higher viewing percentage.

You can also join social websites or forums. These are great places to network and to make friends and contacts. You’ll stay in the know and you can introduce your opportunity to them as well.

You can also advertise offline too. You could have flyers made up and distributed out in the community. You could leave your business cards every place you go. Place ads in the local newspaper. You can tell your friends and family. All great methods.

These are just a few of the methods that top marketers use to advertise their business. They work and these methods can be very cost effective too. Try them as you’ll see results. Home Business Components
will help you succeed when starting your business.

Now your up and running and ready to earn money online. If you join Plug In Profits Or GDI and you do some of the advertising methods discussed above, you will earn money. You can apply these advertising methods to any business but Plug In profits and GDI are proven money makers and are two of the best home business opportunities on the web.

Starting a home business will not be easy. like any other business, it takes work and a desire to succeed. If you have patience and commitment, chances are you will be successful at your home business. Vision yourself successful and you will attract success.

About the Author:

Dan Rose is the owner of and reviews popular home business ideas and opportunities. Dan’s most popular home business recommendation is the Plug-In Profit Site at: Home Business Components. com where you can get your own money-making website setup in 24 hours!

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