Moms Home Business – 6 Reasons Why Moms Must Start a Home Business Today

If you are a stay at home Mom then here are six reasons why you MUST start a Moms Home Business today.

Reason 1 – Starting a Moms Home Business will provide you with a SAFETY NET if your husband ever loses his job. You may be thinking that this will never happen to you and I certainly hope it doesn’t but the only thing you can be sure of in life is that nothing stays the same. With the global economy going through a period of transformation anything is possible and that includes the possibility of your husband losing his job. How prepared are you?

If your husband is the sole breadwinner in the home or even if he is the primary earner, what would happen if he lost his job today? For most families this would be devastating and it’s happening more and more. Would you be able to continue paying all your bills? For how long would you be able to do so? Very few people have the 6-12 months of living expenses set aside in savings to cover this as advised by financial planners. If you couldn’t, what would you and your family stand to lose? How easy would it be for your husband to get another job? Unemployment benefits have not kept up with the rate of inflation. Would your husband’s unemployment benefit checks cover the necessities?

Having a home business will mean you have a second income so that during any possible periods of unemployment you can take over the role of primary earner and perhaps even step up your business to make more money while your husband takes care of the kids and home. And don’t forget that if the home business is successful there may even be a place for Dad to be part of the business.

Reason 2 – Starting a Moms Home Business will give you and your family EXTRA RETIREMENT FUNDS. Even if this seems like long way off it’s something you need to be planning for now. Gone are the days where you got a good education , got a job, stayed there for 40 years and the let the company and government take care of you in retirement. Many older people are finding they can’t retire because they can’t afford to. What will it be like when you get there? There is no such thing as retirement security anymore. Many of the retirement funds are said to be broke. How do you know any of the government funded schemes will even be around when you reach retirement age?

Having a home business will mean making extra money which can be funneled into a variety of carefully selected investments and which could make all the difference to your retirement years.

Reason 3 – Starting a Moms Home Business can give you the extra INCOME FOR SPECIFIC GOALS. This could include going on holidays, paying off the mortgage, getting out of debt, saving towards your kid’s education, renovating your home, buying a new car and any other ideas you can think of. Imagine how fantastic you would feel if you could provide the finances to cover the “family treats” and which so many families are having to do without these days.

Reason 4 – Starting a Moms Home Business will play a role in MODELING FREE ENTERPRISE to your children. Many high school and college leavers may in the future have to start their own businesses as there just won’t be enough paid employment for the demand. Your children will be in the best position to learn directly from you that they can generate income independently and learn the practical skills firsthand that are necessary for them to be able to take responsibility for themselves financially. What a gift you will be providing to your children. Furthermore you will also be setting the example for all your daughters as they will see that it is possible to have a family, stay at home and be in business.

Reason 5 – Starting a Moms Home Business IMPROVES RELATIONSHIPS. You will feel independent of your husband financially which will do wonders for your self esteem and also place your status within the marriage on equal footing. There will be no room for power games which are often so destructive to marriages and relationships. When a couple can share goals, challenges and triumphs in their business and work lives this adds to the dynamic of the relationship and fosters mutual respect, appreciation and understanding for each other.

Having a home business also means that Moms are not only staying in touch with other Moms but get to network with a whole host of other people including other business owners, customers and business partners. By broadening your network circle you will stay intellectually stimulated and alive.

Reason 6 – Starting a Moms Home Business IMPROVES YOUR SELF ESTEEM. Moms often “let themselves go” when they are just being Moms. The main reason for this is that usually there just isn’t the time, money or reason to be otherwise. When you have your own business you have a reason to get dressed up in clothes to go out to meet people which you wouldn’t do otherwise. Doing this does wonders for your mood, energy and how you feel about yourself. Having your own business is also about having your own project which you can call your own and be proud of. We all need recognition and Moms often don’t receive this. Having your own business will give you the opportunity to have your own goals and when you achieve these, the feeling of accomplishment and pride that goes with this. In short it provides Moms with a way to connect with their self worth in ways which is not tied to being a Mom.

As a Mom you only stand to benefit from having your own business. Why wait when it will give you so much?

And now I’d like to invite you to find out more about an ideal Moms Home Business and also to find out more about how I can help you start your own business. Find out more here: Moms Home Business

From: Marcus A. Baker – The Coach For Wannabee Online Entrepreneurs

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