
How to Deal With Work at Home Business Scams

Work at home business scams are one of the main concerns for home business moms around the world. Sadly, the number of such scams are increasing each day and it does not look like there will be a stop to it anytime soon. It is insufficient for home business moms to only recognize and avoid these work at home business scams. Many of these working from home moms are eager to take action against the companies or individuals responsible for these schemes.

Work at home business scams usually have certain distinct features such as a simple and vague job description and promises of a huge amount of money. Home business moms are normally required to pay a start-up fee or some form of upfront payment in order to get “hired”. Furthermore, it is more often than not impossible to get in touch with a representative from such companies for further information regarding the position.

Fortunately, there are many organizations and associations dedicated to combating these home based business scams. For instance, the Better Business Bureau (BBB) is an organization which helps consumers with complaints and credible information regarding charities and businesses. BBB also alerts individuals about the latest scams which might affect them and their business. On the other hand, the Direct Selling Association (DSA) has more than 200 companies, many of them well-known, as members of their association. DSA‘s mission is to make sure that their member companies follow ethical business practices and if they fail to do so, home business moms can file a complaint on the DSA website or send them a mail or fax.

The National Fraud International Center is another organization which helps consumers and businesses fight against work at home business scams. It aims to help people avoid telemarketing and Internet schemes and pass their complaints to law enforcement agencies without any hassle. Working from home moms who come into contact with a home business scam can file a complaint on their website or call 1800-876-7060. Alternatively, work at home mums can visit the Internet Crime Complaint Center which is a partnership between the FBI and NW3C to deal with matters relating to Internet crimes, including work at home business scams.

Home business moms should be weary and careful, but definitely not fearful when looking for business opportunities on the Internet and in the real world. They should keep these important information handy in case they may need to use it in the future to report against a scam.

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Stella Parks is a 28 year old corporate slave, determined to spread the word on “work at home” opportunities to Mums everywhere. Visit her blog at Mummy’s Home Biz for useful info, advice, tips and more to help you become a successful work at home Mum.

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